Miso Glazed Cod...it sounds great. What do you think?
We are also welcoming 2 new members this week:
Bridget of Yogurt and Berries
Hello! My name is Bridget, and I started my blog a little over a year and half ago when I wanted an outlet for my love of food, cooking, baking, and healthy living! I live in the Boston area and recently got married in September 2009 :) I've been a big Ellie fan long before I started blogging and find myself frequently using her recipes, so I was really excited when I stumbled on this site!
Jaime of Jamela Famela:
I am a 23 year old female from Chicago- and a recent blogger! I love cooking and living a very healthy lifestyle as far as enough sleep, good diet, and moderate exercise. I believe being happy and confident is the key to life!
Welcome Ladies :)